Caravan Cancellation Policy


What happens if you have registered for a Caravan and then have to cancel out?  None of us like to see that happen, but unfortunately it does.  There is a practice that is followed to try to be fair to everyone.  If you have to cancel, the Caravan leaders (in planning and managing)  as well as other member of the Caravan might be exposed to higher costs because of your cancellation.  Generally there is a standard $50.00 fee up to a certain time and then an amount determined by the Leader after that time (some Caravans may charge more than the $50.00 due to unusual early expenses).  Once you have been confirmed as a member of a Caravan, this process applies.  If you are on a “standby” list and have to cancel out before you are confirmed as a member of the Caravan there is no fee involved.  However, it should be noted that if you are on a “standby” list and wait until you are notified that you are confirmed on the Caravan to decide that you really can’t go, you would be subject to the cancellation fee.  Note: If the cancellation and refund practice is different than this, the Caravan Leader will notify you as part of the sign up process.  All of this is done because, as you all know, our Caravans are run at cost and there is no other source of income except the fee charged for the Caravan.  In many cases a Caravan may take 1 or 2 (or even more) years to set up and plan.  All of this activity costs money, and that money comes from your Caravan fees.  If you cancel out, the money still might have to be (or has been) spent. The Leader may also have to spend more to try and fill your spot on the Caravan.  After a certain time, the Leader must begin to make deposits (sometimes non-refundable) to insure that activities are available to the Caravan.  After that time, if the Caravan Leader cannot replace you, you may be exposed to paying that non-refundable expense.  Our Leaders will do everything that is practical to avoid paying for commitments that you are unable to attend, but sometimes they are unable to avoid payment because they have made solid (and often contractual) arrangements.  Often it will be at the end of the Caravan before the exact costs can be determined.  The bottom line is:

  •  Be sure you want to go on a Caravan before you sign up.
  •  If something comes up that causes you not to be able to go, notify the Caravan Leader as soon as possible.  
  •  Be prepared to pay for non-refundable expenses if the Leader is not able to replace you on the Caravan.

We all hope you will find that WBCCI Caravans offer Fun, Friendship and Adventure at an affordable price.  But we all must remember that they are self-supporting and neither WBCCI nor the Caravan Leaders are expected to pay for them.