The Driver’s Manual

All of us should share in caravan duties and jobs.  If you do have medical problems that preclude your performance of assigned jobs please contact the caravan leaders.

The directory of participants includes your name, cell numbers, email addresses and home information.  This is privileged information and should not be shared with anyone outside the caravan

Don’t forget to wear your WBAC badge when you leave your RV!  We can learn each other’s names more quickly and it is your ticket into many places we go.

Please read this manual carefully.   We have few rules, but we need to take care of one another and travel safely.  Therefore we must make some basic agreements at our driver’s meetings.

Do not hesitate to ask questions and certainly, if you have a problem, please come to the leaders and we will work with you to resolve it.

We have a great group and look forward to sharing fantastic adventures with you.  Please take time to get to know the new faces around you as well as enjoying the company of familiar ones.

Caravan Guidelines

Alcohol:   Alcohol  may be consumed at socials and cookouts, but please be discreet and do not display alcoholic beverages or containers.

Carpooling:  Take turns driving and share with new and old friends.  Parking may be limited at many of the places we tour.

CB Usage:  The caravan CB channel is 14.  Please turn to this channel when touring.  If you have a CB in your rig, leave it on while at the camp site for messages.  As you approach the campground, leave Ch. 14 open for parking instructions.  (If you need to contact your travel companions switch channels to talk!)

Clothing:  Wear comfortable walking shoes and layer your clothing as temperatures may vary during our tours.  Be prepared for anything.  We shall try to keep abreast of temperature and keep you informed.

Cookouts:    We will have scheduled cookouts during th caravan.  Food will be furnished and duty assignments will be made for these events.  Normally you should bring your plate, utensils and beverage unless otherwise announced.  These are referred to as “set ups.” 

Drivers Meetings: There will be a driver’s meeting prior to a move or when specified.  We will also review directions for tours when needed.  It is important that at least one member of each unit attends the meeting and brings your Driver’s Manual.  It is preferred that both driver and spouse/partner/navigator attend the meeting. Please no smoking or pets at the meetings.  Please no smoking or pets at the meetings.

Emergencies:   Please notify one of the leaders of any emergency or problem.  If you are in camp and need help, turn on your rig lights and blow your  tow horn.

Finances:    All WBCCI caravans are self-supporting.  We have estimated all the expected expenses and based the kitty fee on that estimate.  The kitty will be administered by the leaders, and we will ask one or two caravan members to review our books at or near the end of the caravan.  You will receive a detailed cost explanation and final accounting at the end of the caravan

Fueling Up:  If possible, fill your tow car prior to moving day.  This limits the need for fuel stops with trailer in tow.  It also reduces the congestion at filling stations along the way.

Generators:    If you intend to use your generator while parked please observe the established guidelines. No usage after 10 PM or before 7 AM unless needed for medical reasons.

Identification:  Please wear your WBCCI badge.  You are encouraged to fly your flags.

Journal: If the caravanners elect to have a journal, individuals may be asked to write an entry for each caravan stop.  When completed, these pages will be turned in to the journal editor and will be assembled into the Caravan Journal at the end of the caravan.  Each rig will receive one copy at caravan expense.

Leaving the caravan:   After notifying  the caravan leaders in writing  you may leave the caravan at any time.  There will be no refunds for prepaid activities.  Notify the leaders if you will arrive late or leave early at any time.

Mail:    We  have planned for two mail stops at the American RV in Albuquerque and the Alphen Rose in Durango.  The addresses are found on the list of Campgrounds.  Be sure to include WBCCI Southwest Adventure Caravan in the address.

Maps:    Each rig will be provided with a map of the Indian country and current  routes are detailed in this driver’s manual.  Often the GPS maps are not current for the roads we travel. Please trust the written driving instructions.

Mirrors:    Removable towing mirrors should be removed and fixed towing mirrors should be turned in anytime your trailer is disconnected from your towing vehicle.  Not only is it dangerous to drive with extended mirrors, in many states it is illegal.

Parking:    We will have parkers at every stop to direct you to your parking place.  This duty will be assigned on a rotating basis to everyone, unless you are physically unable to assist in this activity.  If you would like to have your parker direct you into parking on your site, just let him or her know, and agree on the signals to be used.  Parkers will not park your vehicle for you!

Pets:   Please clean up after your pet and leave your pet in your RV or your vehicle (with caution!) while on tours.  Dispose of pet waste in the proper receptacles.

Special Skills:  If you have special skills (such as electrical, mechanical, medical, musical, etc.) that you would like to make available to the Caravan group, please let the caravan leaders know.

Touring on your own:  We encourage you to stop and see as much as you can on our caravan, but please do not miss scheduled functions.  We do have to pay if you are there or not and many are based on a specified attendance.

Traveling:    Please make a timely departure and have stops along the way so that you do not arrive before the specified arrival time! We do not convoy on roads.  While driving, if you can read the numbers on the rig directly ahead of you YOU ARE TOO CLOSE!  Traveling in groups of 3 or 4 rigs is good, but spread out.  If 4 or 5 vehicles pile up behind you, pull over and let them pass.

 If you are caravanning at high altitude be sure to read the article on this website about the Health Effects of High Altitude.